18 research outputs found

    M_LK 2.0: Leveraging Digital Technologies for Planternative Ecosystems

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    The agri-food industry is one of the largest contributors to our climate crisis by emitting one third of the world’s greenhouse gases. However, the industry also brings great potential to reverse climate change. For example, a plant-based diet might be the single most efficient action to combat climate change. This paper explores the plant-based dairy industry and the utilization of digital technologies. We analyze how the plant-based industry is leveraging digital technologies to revolutionize traditional market configurations. The findings show that digital technologies enable systemic change and facilitate the emergence of digital ecosystems. In particular, Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology can be seen as a digital disruptor. For example, in the plant based dairy industry, AI calculates combinations for plant-based products that mimic the flavor and texture of animal products

    ARCH 14 - International Conference on Research on Health Care Architecture - November 19-21, 2014, Espoo, Finland - Conference Proceedings

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    Healthcare Architecture has grown rapidly in recent years. However, there are still many questions remaining. The commission, therefore, is to share the existing research knowledge and latest results and to carry out research projects focusing more specifically on the health care situation in a variety of contexts. The ARCH14 conference was the third conference in the series of ARCH conferences on Research on Health Care Architecture initiated by Chalmers University. It was realized in collaboration with the Nordic Research Network for Healthcare Architecture .It was a joint event between Aalto University, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH) and National Institute of Health and Welfare (THL International).The conference gathered together more than 70 researchers and practitioners from across disciplines and countries to discuss the current themes

    Revolution eller krig? : Hur Arbetaren, Folkets Dagblad, Ny Dag och Socialdemokraten ramade in slutet av spanska inbördeskriget

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    The purpose of this paper is to understand how different fractions of Sweden’s left wing (the Social democrats, the Communists, the Syndicalists and the Socialist party) framed the end of the Spanish Civil War and the defeat of the republicans. To answer the purpose four newspapers Arbetaren (syndicalist), Folkets Dagblad (Socialist party), Ny Dag (communist) and Socialdemokraten (social democratic) have been analyzed qualitatively. The thesis has focused on how the different ideologies have framed the war, how they framed the other labour organizations and themselves plus how they relate to information about the war during the period of February 1st1939 till April 5th1939. The analysis shows that the Social democrats and the Communists framed the war as a conflict between fascism and socialism, whereas the Syndicalists and the Socialist party framed the war as a socialistic revolution. Because each side had their own view, their opinions on what threatened a republican victory differed. The Social democrats were most concerned that a non-democratic movement would win the war and the Communists feared that fragmentation within the republicans would threaten their chances to win. In contrast, the Syndicalists argued that the nonintervention policy would make the revolution impossible and the Socialist party framed the threat as the Communists, because of their non-revolutionary agenda

    Hovjournalistik pÄ nyhetsplats : Hur kungahuset bevakas i Svenska dagbladet, Dagens nyheter, Aftonbladet och Expressen

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    Denna uppsats beskriver hur Expressen, Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet bevakar det svenska kungahuset under tre strategiskt valda perioder. Syftet Àr att ge en ökad förstÄelse för hur rapporteringen om kungahuset ser ut pÄ nyhetsplats vid skandal likt lanseringen av boken Den motvillige monarken av Thomas Sjöberg med flera, samt vid en glÀdjande nyhet likt födseln av prinsessan Estelle. För att ge en bild av hur den mer alldagliga bevakningen ser ut undersöks Àven en slumpmÀssigt vald vecka. För att besvara syftet utgÄr undersökningen frÄn tre frÄgestÀllningar rörande undersökta artiklars kÀllor, tidningarnas nyhetsvÀrdering och hovets mediestrategier. I undersökningen har en kvantitativ och en kvalitativ metod anvÀnts. Som teoretisk utgÄngspunkt har teorin om agenda setting samt medieforskaren Kristina Widestedts forskning om hovjournalistik legat till grund. Studiens resultat visar pÄ en obalans i bevakningen av kungahuset. Det finns en tydlig skillnad pÄ morgon- och kvÀllspressens prioritering av nyheter om kungafamiljen, dÀr den senare Àr de som skriver mest. Obalansen kan förklaras med ett rivalitetsförhÄllande mellan kvÀlls- och morgonpress. Om kvÀllspressen vÀljer att fokusera pÄ kungafamiljen som privatpersoner försöker morgonpressen hÄlla sig till information kring kungafamiljens yrkesroller. FörhÄllandet leder till att bÄda tidningsgenrerna förblir trogna de förvÀntningar som sÀtts pÄ dem, kvÀllspressen som tabloid och morgonpressen som faktabaserad. Resultatet blir att kungahuset fÄr en sÀrstÀllning i de fyra tidningarna dÀr granskning lyser med sin frÄnvaro. I uppsatsens analyserande del ges förslag till en alternativ hovjournalistik samt till vidare forskning i Àmnet

    Hovjournalistik pÄ nyhetsplats : Hur kungahuset bevakas i Svenska dagbladet, Dagens nyheter, Aftonbladet och Expressen

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    Denna uppsats beskriver hur Expressen, Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet bevakar det svenska kungahuset under tre strategiskt valda perioder. Syftet Àr att ge en ökad förstÄelse för hur rapporteringen om kungahuset ser ut pÄ nyhetsplats vid skandal likt lanseringen av boken Den motvillige monarken av Thomas Sjöberg med flera, samt vid en glÀdjande nyhet likt födseln av prinsessan Estelle. För att ge en bild av hur den mer alldagliga bevakningen ser ut undersöks Àven en slumpmÀssigt vald vecka. För att besvara syftet utgÄr undersökningen frÄn tre frÄgestÀllningar rörande undersökta artiklars kÀllor, tidningarnas nyhetsvÀrdering och hovets mediestrategier. I undersökningen har en kvantitativ och en kvalitativ metod anvÀnts. Som teoretisk utgÄngspunkt har teorin om agenda setting samt medieforskaren Kristina Widestedts forskning om hovjournalistik legat till grund. Studiens resultat visar pÄ en obalans i bevakningen av kungahuset. Det finns en tydlig skillnad pÄ morgon- och kvÀllspressens prioritering av nyheter om kungafamiljen, dÀr den senare Àr de som skriver mest. Obalansen kan förklaras med ett rivalitetsförhÄllande mellan kvÀlls- och morgonpress. Om kvÀllspressen vÀljer att fokusera pÄ kungafamiljen som privatpersoner försöker morgonpressen hÄlla sig till information kring kungafamiljens yrkesroller. FörhÄllandet leder till att bÄda tidningsgenrerna förblir trogna de förvÀntningar som sÀtts pÄ dem, kvÀllspressen som tabloid och morgonpressen som faktabaserad. Resultatet blir att kungahuset fÄr en sÀrstÀllning i de fyra tidningarna dÀr granskning lyser med sin frÄnvaro. I uppsatsens analyserande del ges förslag till en alternativ hovjournalistik samt till vidare forskning i Àmnet

    B-cells and Inflammation in the Absence of the Abelson Related Gene (Arg)

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    The Abelson non-receptor tyrosine kinases, c-Abl and Arg, are important regulators of cellular processes in cancer, inflammation, infection, and neuronal dynamics. Recent research on the role for these kinases in processes involving interactions with the cytoskeleton or signaling molecules, may lead to further insight into the pathogenesis of a variety of disorders, including chronic inflammatory diseases. In a mouse model for multiple sclerosis, we recently reported that Arg deficient mice develop T-cell mediated autoimmune neuro-inflammation with the same severity as littermate controls, but display a different B-cell phenotype upon immunization. Here we comment on these results and discuss the role for Arg in B-cell activation and homeostasis

    Arg deficiency does not influence the course of Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein (MOG35-55)-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis

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    BACKGROUND: Inhibition of Abl kinases has an ameliorating effect on the rodent model for multiple sclerosis, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, and arrests lymphocyte activation. The family of Abl kinases consists of the Abl1/Abl and Abl2/Arg tyrosine kinases. While the Abl kinase has been extensively studied in immune activation, roles for Arg are incompletely characterized. To investigate the role for Arg in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, we studied disease development in Arg(−/−) mice. METHODS: Arg(−/−) and Arg(+/+) mice were generated from breeding of Arg(+/−) mice on the C57BL/6 background. Mice were immunized with the myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG)35–55 peptide and disease development recorded. Lymphocyte phenotypes of wild type Arg(+/+) and Arg(−/−) mice were studied by in vitro stimulation assays and flow cytometry. RESULTS: The breeding of Arg(+/+) and Arg(−/−) mice showed skewing in the frequency of born Arg(−/−) mice. Loss of Arg function did not affect development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, but reduced the number of splenic B-cells in Arg(−/−) mice following immunization with MOG peptide. CONCLUSIONS: Development of MOG-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis is not dependent on Arg, but Arg plays a role for the number of B cells in immunized mice. This might suggest a novel role for the Arg kinase in B-cell trafficking or regulation. Furthermore, the results suggest that Arg is important for normal embryonic development